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Server Configuration

Server Configuration page displays the list of server configurations. You can filter the list on the basis of incoming mail server, incoming port, outgoing mail server, outgoing port, SSL enabled and authentication required.

How to do server configuration?

1. Click + icon on the top right of the page. Following pop up window will open.

Field Level Description

Incoming Mail Server IP address of incoming mail server.
Incoming Port incoming port number.
Outgoing Mail Server IP address of outgoing mail server.
Outgoing Port outgoing port number.
Authentication Required can be checked or unchecked. It indicates whether authentication is mandatory or not.
SSL Enabled

can be checked or unchecked. It indicates whether SSL should be enabled or not.

SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. This link ensures that all data passed between the web server and browsers remain private and integral.

2. Enter the required information.

3. Click Save button. A new server configuration will be created and added to the server configurations list.

How to edit a server configuration?

1. Click edit(pencil) icon. Following pop up window will open.

2. Edit the required information.

3. Click + sign on the right side. Following pop up window to enter new mail account will open.

Field Level Description

User Name user name of mail account.
Password password of mail account.
Display Name display name of mail account.
From Email email address from which emails will be sent.
Reply To Email email address to which emails will be sent.

list of modules for which the emails are applicable. You can choose one.

Is Active can be checked or unchecked. It indicates whether this mail account is active or not.

4. Enter the required information.

5. Click Save button. A new mail account will be created and added to the mail accounts list.

6. Click Update button.

Impact in Alt Worklife

Let us consider an example of an HR Manager who wants to send a mass mailer regarding an upcoming event in the organization.

Firstly, when he sends the email, he might be asked for his credentials. He will enter smtpuser as USER NAME and smpt@123 as PASSWORD.

Secondly, REPLY TO EMAIL will have the group name with email addresses of all the employees, so that mass mailer is triggered to all the employees.

Thirdly, when all the employees receive the email, the DISPLAY NAME in the email will be Your HR, it will be FROM EMAIL